Monday, July 6, 2009


We have been apart for a while ... the distance isn't always geographical, but sometimes I muck up enough to put us at odds. I miss my love and dear Tawnya and am always doubly sorry for bringing us farther apart rather than closer together. I can't package a kiss digitally, so I will hope that Tawnya knows that I kiss her, miss her dearly.

Sunday, May 31, 2009


I am smart enough to see and feel that I love you! I know that you love me! I am sometimes distant, as my stress and emotions can be a bitter and wicked enemy. My passion for you, though, is enthralling and captivating. You are my beloved, my true love, my dream, my future. I can see that now and wish I could see into our future.

In my mind we are holding hands and I see that in our future, holding hands a year from now, five years, ten years, forty years, forever.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Wishful thinking

Well, I wish I were there all the time.
I wish I were with you every moment,
I wish we were a complete family now,
I wish we had a place to call home,
I think we can make this happen,

I wish we could make this happen today, this year.

Friday, May 15, 2009

to you, my love

I wish I was so smart and great that I could pump out a novel with every chance I get, but alas, I cannot. I would prefer that every letter, every note that I make for you clearly states and overstates my emphatic love for you. I don't like writing a quick, "uh, huh" that hardly conveys my love for you. Instead, I like to have a poem, a song in verse. I would like a romance novel, not a note on a napkin.

That being written, I love you my sweet, precious love of my life. You are the greatest hope I have, the greatest dream I have sought, my well-being, my future, the greatest breath of my life!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

roses and you

You are sweet, lovely, captivating. I fail sometimes to remind you of how much you really mean to me and that you are the wonder in my life!
You are the joy,
the love,
the titillation,
the inspiration,
my future,
of my life.
I am anxious for us to have our life.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

love of you and family

Arise Sir Loin of Beef, Earl of Cloves, Duke of Brittingham, Baron of Munchaussen, Essence of Mir, Milk of Magnesia, Quarter of Ten

I miss and love you my sweet love. You are far sweeter than any flower. It was great walking and spending time with you and Zach! I miss you bunches!

Monday, May 4, 2009

type of swinger

You are the type of swinger I am into. You are the fun loving type who makes me laugh and enjoy my life.